Frequently Asked Questions
What will you do at the Birth?
I will be at your birth location and tend to all of your needs. I will suggest different positions and encourage your coach to do whatever is necessary for you. ie. A way to massage you, offer you hydration, comfort items such as lip balm, help with changing positions...
Sometimes I will stand back and let you have the moment together.
What is your birth philosophy?
I ALWAYS say it’s my honor to be a part of your birth. I say it so much, it is now my catchphrase! I believe your childbirth is your life experience. I want it to be as you wish. I believe your body is able to perform this task and is equipped to function at its highest level. I tell moms that when you are birthing your baby, you are not sick. Do not be afraid and know it will end with the most precious miracle ever! I am here to assist you and your partner in whatever way you need.
What if I want pain relief or I want/need a C-section?
We will plan ahead of time how much you want me to encourage you to continue on the no medication path. I am not judgmental and I want your birth to go how you want it to go If you are at a birth center or home and you transfer to the hospital, I will go with you.
What kind of training have you had?
Most recently, I went to a DONA training session and then an internship at South Coast Midwifery. Before this, from the early 70’s until now, I have always somehow, been involved with childbirth. Be it home births, hospital births or my own 3 births, I know what it’s like to have a non medicated birth. I also taught childbirth classes and worked for a pediatrician. My true passion is childbirth! My energy is infinite when it comes to childbirth!
How many births have you attended?
A conservative estimate would be, at least 20, so far.
How open are your communication lines?
I am available 24/7!!
When will you join me in labor?
I am available 24/7, but in my experience, resting, hydration and sleeping are of the upmost importance. So, usually I am there when surges are around 4 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute for 1 hour. (4-1-1). But... if you want me at your home or wherever, I will be there anytime.
What happens after the birth?
I will stay with you and make sure you are settled in at least 1 to 2 hours after your birth. Also, in a couple of days, I will check in on you by phone. If you need me before this, I am available. After 1 week I would like to come by your house and bring an entree and chat.
How long can I contact you for help?
The standard time is six weeks but I’m always happy to add my two cents whenever you need it.
How do you feel about induction, C-sections, medication’s?
I’ve learned the placenta stops functioning at its best around the time when mom is 42 weeks and 1 day past her estimated due date. At that point, I believe it’s justifiable to try to kick start the labor. If there is an emergency and the Doctor indicates a cesarean I have to go by what they say. You have every right to question, but if the doctor is definite about it I would consider it an emergency and necessary. Medication is up to you. It’s your pregnancy, labor and birth. If you want, I can give you my educated information, but in the end it’s up to you.